In the period of what I call the golden age of caricature (when all the newspapers had their house cartoonist) black and white caricatures were the norm. I have always kept a predilection for this pure style. In fact, I think that the color is a detail because if the composition is good, the lines are fluid and the drawing is solid, a well-balanced black and white drawing is very harmonious. It’s a bit like the old black and white movies. They can be very effective if produced by great directors.
Far is the era where everything was hand colored with inks, watercolor, gouache and pencil. Today, the majority of the drawings are colored by computer graphic software, such as those presented below. Just a few years ago, there was no room for error in the application of color, but now with layers in Photoshop and other softwares, you can change everything because these tools are extremely powerful. However, the software does not make the artist!
This style is fun because a touch of color can often complete the joke. To give just one example, among the drawings below, if you look at the Baird cartoon, it would be difficult to illustrate peacekeepers without the color blue. The most difficult part for an artist is to find a style of its own. Ideally, when we look at an artwork, one does not have to read the signature to know who is the creator. This really is, according to my personal taste, what differentiates an original artist with his own personality and a unique touch.
This style shows the appearance of drawings made with «sanguine», which is a red pencil made out of iron oxide. I often draw with red pencils just because I love the look. You can find, on my blog, many of these that reddish tint cartoons. To my eyes, working with reds is very beautiful and very artistic. I have, in my studio, containers filled with red pencils for my sketches.